As a brand, The Bundle Co seeks to minimise environmental impact by creating and stocking good quality products for your little ones which are made with natural fibres. We strive and are furthering our practices to be as ethical and environmentally conscious as possible from the design process through to our customers receiving their parcel. We understand that being sustainable means continuously learning and growing more about how we can better our processes for the future. Below are a few practices we have put in place and continue to grow these practices to better our ethical footprint. 


When creating our swaddles & blankets we choose to only work with plant based natural fibres as these are softer on the skin, breathable, eco friendly and durable. Did you know Bamboo has antibacterial, hypoallergenic qualities and also assists protection against UV rays. It is one of the most eco-friendly fabrics on the planet. 


When it comes to sending out our pieces, we are proud to integrate eco-friendly packaging. When packaging our products & orders, we use a combination of heavy duty cardboard boxes, compostable shipping labels, recycled cardboard care cards, water activated tape which is 100% Recycled FSC and only uses soy based inks.  and compostable post satchels which are produced by Hero packaging. These are 100% biodegradable and compostable. We also choose not to print out invoices as these are sent to your email once the order is placed.

In Studio

In our HQ, we do our best to try and minimise our single use plastic packaging.  We always ask our factories to send our shipments with little to no plastic.